People tend to believe claiming compensation for workplace injuries is an easy process, however there are stringent time and reporting restrictions you have to comply with when commencing a claim. You have one shot at obtaining the best compensation outcome, so we...Read More
Social media is commonly referred to as modern day “Surveillance” for personal injury claims. What you post on your social media accounts may be used against you to damage your credibility by the defendant’s insurer. This is why you must be very careful of what you...Read More
There is a misconception that claiming Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) compensation is a straightforward process, however, preparing a TPD claim requires the inclusion of detailed information and substantial evidence, not to mention dealing with insurers who have...Read More
It is important to understand the difference between negligence, mistake or an unexpected result if you believe you have suffered an injury from medical treatment as this will determine the type of compensation you may be entitled to. The difference between...Read More
It is important to know the “Dos and don’ts” of trying to claim compensation for workplace injuries. People tend to believe claiming compensation for workplace injuries is an easy process, however there are stringent time restrictions you have to comply with when...Read More
If you have sustained an injury as a result of a motor vehicle accident (MVA) and are thinking of making a claim for your injuries, it is important to know the “Dos and don’ts” of trying to claim compensation. Many people think claiming compensation for MVA injuries...Read More
There are various ‘Will Kits’ available on-line – most are cheap or ‘free’ and all you need to do is download them and fill in the blanks. Many websites boast that you can prepare your Will ‘without spending hundreds of dollars on legal fees’. Simple, right? Not...Read More
Many couples separate on good terms, which is great. The breakdown of a relationship can be difficult, however putting differences aside to move forward can be beneficial, particularly where children are concerned. Ex-partners who remain on good terms may choose to...Read More
Many people do not realise that they may be entitled to compensation after sustaining injuries that are sustained in what is described as a ‘public liability’ claim. If you have sustained a personal injury in a public place like a shopping centre, restaurant, or pub...Read More
It is important for everyone over 18 to have a Will to make sure their wishes are followed and their assets are distributed as they would want after they die. If you do not have a Will your assets will be divided according to how the law dictates in the rules of...Read More